Thursday, August 6, 2009

Pictures of Brecken

These two pictures are a couple of my favorites.

Kelsie after the epidural. Yes, she is texting while having a contraction.

Brecken is a girly girl. Look, she is already playing with Mom's hair.

Her first bath.

Grandy (Kelsie's Mom) and her first grand baby.

My grandparents 7th Great grand baby.

My Dad with his 7th grand baby.

My Mom.

My sister Holly.

My niece Aspen just touched Brecken and you can see she loves her already.

Melissa and Lexi
My niece Lexi loves babies!
My Aunt Kim.

Brecken with her proud daddy.

36 hours old.

How it all went down:

Kelsie had been feeling contractions since last Thursday and we thought for sure we would have the baby before the weekend was over. To her dismay that didn't happen. Then Monday night her contractions were only 5 mins. apart for nearly 2 hrs. Since we were virgins at this whole labor pains deal, we decided we better go to the hospital just in case. When we got there at 9:30pm, they checked her cervix and said she was at a 4. They said they would keep an eye on her for the next 2-3 hrs. and let her know if she was progressing or if we would be going home. Well, 3 hrs came and she was still only at 4cm dilated. Because Kelsie was planning on having a natural birth, they suggested that it would be best if she continued to labor at home and to try to get some sleep. The nurse said to come back when they were very painful and 2-3 mins. apart. They gave her an ambien so she would be able to sleep, and sleep she did. However, the contractions continued all through the night even though the only one that knew she was having crazy contractions would be me. Drugs are great! When she woke up on Tuesday she continued to have contractions that were ten minutes apart and were much more painful. Those lasted all morning until about 2p.m. Then they decreased from 10 mins. to 7 mins. to 5 mins. to 3-4 mins. apart sometime around 5:30pm and she was not waiting any longer to go to the hospital. When we arrived at the hospital (after having an awesome reason to fly on the highway) we were expecting the nurse to check her and tell her that she was at least dilated to 8 or 9cm. When they told her she was only at 5&1/2cm, her next words were, "I want an epidural!" Let me just say, "THANK GOD FOR EPIDURALS!" She was texting and talking as she was having contractions instead of moaning, screaming, crying and giving me stink eye and thinking,"You did this to me you Bastard!" Shortly after 10:30pm they checked her and she was at 7cm. They told her that they would be back in a couple hours to check her progression. At midnight she told me that she felt like she should push. I went and got the nurse and she checked her and to her surprise she was fully dilated and the baby was only about 1 inch from crowning. They called the doctor and began pushing a little after 12:30am. And after only 6 short contractions of pushing the baby was here. (They told Kelsie that she would probably push for 2-3 hrs. since this was her first baby and because of the epidural. Man, was she relieved when she only pushed for less than 10 mins.)
My wife is a champ! She labored for nearly 33 hours. I love her so much!

And what can I say, I'm a proud 1st time daddy!


Stephanie said...

Wow, what a story! I'm definitely an epidural girl, but maybe on one of your other ones someday you can go natural if you really want. She's so adorable, and you guys are a cute family! Congrats! (I'm glad you only had to push for 10 minutes, that's the part that really messes people up!) 33 hours is a LONG labor. An epidural was a good call. Your future ones should be shorter. Thanks for all the info! I'm so happy for you guys!

Alyse said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful! I'm a huge fan of epidurals...they are the best. Can you believe how awful contractions are? YIKES! Good luck with everything! She's precious!

Emily Sue said...

She is so cute. I love all of the pictures. I love the detailed story, and especially through Levi's eyes. Very nice. Congrats to both of you, I am so excited for you, you are going to be amazing parents!!

MEG said...

CONGRATULATIONS! Brecken is beautiful! And so is Kelsie - WOW, KELSIE LOOKS JUST LIKE HER MOM!!!!

Good job mom and dad!

Uffens Family said...

What a beautiful family! She is precious! and glad she finally came out! :) Levi- you are just beaming in that last picture! Congrats!

Kerstin B said...

She is beautiful! Another girl to be careful with in the neighborhood, the boys are going to go crazy.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the both of you! Brecken is darling...I can't wait until she and Lucy can hang out and exchange stories about their parents.

tothe4thfloor said...

Congratulations! We almost had our babies on the same day! I am definetly 100% pro-epidural. Those contractions are killer. Best thing ever created. I'm so happy for you guys!

Eaton Family said...

She is so adorable! Congratulations! I didn't know Holly is your sister. My best friend from HS is Heather McNeill (now Deshazer). She married Holly's husband's brother. Did you catch that? Anyway, hope you are both adjusting well to being parents. Let us know if you need anything!