Monday, August 24, 2009

Love her.


Erin Ann said...

Kels you look amazing and Brecken is like a little's crazy!

Kimi said...

Congratulations on your beautiful little girl! We are so happy for you. And you look great Kelsie! Miss you guys!

Stephanie said...

Your shirt is really cute, I can't wait to wear normal clothes again. But also of course Brecken is adorable! I wouldn't count on her sleeping through the night every night just yet. One thing I've learned is not to expect too much from my kids or else I get disappointed. But that's seriously awesome she slept so long. I hope it's a new trend!

Jessi said...

ah!! look at those cute shoes she has on! love it.

Eaton Family said...

What a precious baby. It sounds like you are adjusting to motherhood extremely well and you already know what you can't live without. Congratulations again on your little cutie!

Kira said...

It's crazy how much she is already changing. I hope I get as lucky as you guys and our baby sleeps through the night at 3 weeks!