Friday, August 14, 2009

I'm Back!

First, I need to thank Levi for taking over the last 3 blog posts, he did an awesome job! (And of course is still welcome to post anytime). It's been a little over a week since Brecken was born and feel like I have so much to catch up on.

Levi pretty much told the story how it was, so not sure I can add much there. However, I would like to say, through all the painful contractions and sometimes literally wanting to die, the thought never crossed my mind that Levi was a jerk for doing this to me! He was my rock through the whole thing. He might have felt like he wasn't helping me at all, since I really didn't listen to him when he was trying to help me breathe (I think the breathing is useless and a total waste of time!!) But he was there trying to help me in any way the whole way through. I also would like to second his notion of, THANK GOD FOR EPIDURALS! I was so done by the time we got to the hospital and couldn't have been more disappointed that I was not more dialated than a 5.5. Also, since Brecken was such a big baby at 8lbs, 12oz (I was 8.8, when I was born), I'm even more glad I had the drugs. When she came out, one of the nurses said she was at least 9-10lbs! I couldn't believe it! I had an awesome birthing experience at the hospital between the nurses and doctor that were in the delivery room.

Everyone also keeps asking me how nursing is going...and it's been great so far. From the first moment they put Brecken on my chest, her little mouth was opening and closing ready to breastfeed, which was so amazing they would already have those instincts. She has latched on perfectly, so it hasn't been too painful for me. I cherish every moment I spend with her and kind of like being the only person that can fulfill that need for her.

Sleep has also been a big topic of discussion, and Brecken has been a champ as well. The first few nights at home she was waking up twice a night, but the last 3 nights, it's only been once! Some are also kind of shocked to hear Brecken is sleeping in her crib as well. We really don't have room to put a bassinet in our room, so it's just easier for her to sleep in the crib, which she seems to have no problem with. We also decided against using a monitor in our room as well. Her room is about 2 steps across the hall, so we hear her when she cries. Now we can avoid all the little noises she makes throughout the night through the monitor. I know I wouldn't sleep as well always thinking she was about to wake up. Levi has been a big help in this area too. We kind of take turns, but he is been awesome about getting up to get her, change her and bring her to me in bed to feed. He will then take her back to burp her and lay her back down. He has been the best Daddy and I can tell she's got him wrapped around her little finger already.

Many have also asked where we got her name from, and when I went to EFY (church camp) at BYU one year, there was a girl named Brecken, and she was absolutely gorgeous. I loved the name ever since.

This is all just such a miracle, I can't even wrap my mind around it all. I love being a mommy and feel so blessed to have this precious little girl in our lives and can't believe how much I love her. I also never want her to grow up! Could time please stand still? I love how tiny, cuddly and perfect she is. Since I know this won't happen, I guess we'll just have to have more :)

Thanks to everyone for all of their thoughts, prayers and congratulations. This is a very exciting, new time in our lives and can't imagine it any other way and would never want to go back! We did wait 5 years before having a baby, and I'm really glad for that time, but it's definitely time to start this new chapter in our lives as our little family of THREE!

A few pictures from this week:

Grandy, thanks for coming to help all week, we miss you!

Aunt Callie, Grandy, me and Brecken

First bath at home

Sammi & sweet


Reimstar said...

Ohh congratulations! She is soo beautiful! Thanks for telling the story and all the details, I am soaking it all up! I am so glad things are going so well! She is adorable!

Jessi said...

Wow! to me she already looks so different from the hospital pics. she is so precious! i am so happy for you guys!

Nate and Nicole said...

She is so cute!

Whitney said...

Oh good, I'm glad Callie got to come out and see her. If shes anything like Katie she is a VERY PROUD AUNT!!! Love Ya!

Stephanie said...

I'm so happy everything is going so well. I remember crying one time when I realized Scotty was going to grow up. Weird! They're fun when they're big, too, and then you can just have another one. :) She's so pretty!

The Reichmans said...

I love how chubby she is! I can't believe how great you are all doing that is wonderful and very lucky for you. It sounds like you are adjusting great to motherhood. I hope it continues to go well. I only wish we lived closer so we could see her.

Jessi said...

i just totally noticed the pic of sammie and brecken..aawwww! that kills me!