Monday, August 3, 2009

2 Days Past Due...

...and still here. I have no news to share other than literally just sitting around and waiting. I was really fine until my due date came and went, and now it's just depressing having no baby! I've had an awesome pregnancy and no major complaints. I never was one to walk around complaining that I'm ready to be done, but I am now! We keep begging her to come out and have tried lots of things to make it happen. You can't help but try, but deep down I really knew NOTHING would work, she will come on her own time. However, if she doesn't come by August 12th, (over a long week away), they will induce me. I REALLY hope it doesn't come to that! So anyway, just wanted to post a boring update!


Alyse said...

Hopefully she comes for you soon! I know it can be depressing when they don't come when you want them too...but I'm sure she'll be here before you know it! Just get a lot of rest- you'll need it! Good luck with everything!

tothe4thfloor said...

I'm right with ya...haha

Stephanie said...

Oh dear...hang in there. She'll be here before you know it! Good luck. I'm thinking of you and Tanya! I can't wait to see pics and hear the name.

Lindsey said...

I check everyday to see if you have had your baby yet. I am so excited for you and can't wait to see pictures!

Scott said...

CONGRATULATIONS on your successful devliery! We're so excited for you guys and can't wait to see her cute pictures!

- Scott and Melissa

Nate and Nicole said...

PICTURES! I need PICTURES!! Get on it, Levi :).