Tuesday, June 2, 2009

31 Weeks


anne said...

Looking good, Kelsie! You're getting so close.

Eaton Family said...

You're brave! I never wanted to take any pictures of myself pregnant...then again I did gain 50 lbs and you still look cute so you don't have to worry about that! Saw your blog after going on Angie's - hope you don't mind!

tothe4thfloor said...

Kels it is so fun to be preggo with you. I can't wait to see both of our little girls! You look super cute of course!!!

Jessi said...

way cute shirt! where did you get it?? i must know!

tothe4thfloor said...

I had no idea Tawny is pregnant! That is so exciting! Plus, you look GREAT! I seriously gain everything the last couple of months. My belly suddenly grows and I just get bigger everywhere. Plus, I get really sick my first trimester and I lose weight. Sooo don't compare yourself to me because you still look beautiful and healthy!