Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Levi and his parents

Can you find all the eggs?? :)

Grandpa Boyd and Grandma Twila

McKenna, Wes and Lexi

Rose Cousins
Cousin Cassie & the amazing host, Aunt Kim

I was in UT and I unfortunately missed the big Easter celebration at Aunt Kim and Uncle John's. Levi got some good pictures of the nieces and nephews. They had to have the Easter egg hunt inside since it was cold and rainy, but they had fun anyway. It will be fun to have a little one next Easter to put a cute little Easter dress on...can't wait!


Dylan, Holly, and Aspen said...

Levi's camera takes awesome pics. Could you guys email some of the pics of the kids. I got a few but he might of gotten better ones than me plus they look nicer.