Friday, April 24, 2009

Chamber's Wedding

Levi was able to make a quick trip to UT this week for Scott Chamber's wedding, an old college roomie. He was so glad he went since he got to see lots of old buddies we rarely get to see except through blog posts. It seemed to be the trend that most wives couldn't make it, so I'm sure they enjoyed themselves bachelor style, even if only for a day.


Brad and Melissa said...

great pictures. Thanks for taking/posting them. I was so sad we brad forgot the camera. Brad said you boys had a lot of fun. Levi your pictures are awesome...

Scott said...

Some husbands couldn't make it either, Kelsie. Thaks so much Levi for posting the pictures! We'll have to get together once your little girl arrives and we can leave all the babies in a room and see what happens. I bet Will tries to kiss all the girls. Just my guess.

anne said...

Or all the girls will be trying to kiss will and matthew...they're just so cute I won't blame them.

Levi, thanks for being the group photographer. Loved seeing all the pics. I'm so happy for Chambers.

I can't wait for baby Rose to arrive!