Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Next Chapter...

We are starting a new chapter in our lives. Levi and I are expecting a baby on August 1st and I am currently almost 14 weeks! We are very excited to begin our family and can't wait for this summer to get here! I just told my work, but we told our families on Chrismas Day. We surprised everyone by opening a set of onesies. This will be the first grandchild on my side, but the sixth on Levi's side. The unknown ahead is a little scary, it will definitely be a learning experience for us both, but I'm sure one of the best thing's we've ever experienced. Thank goodness for family to help along the way! We hope to find out the sex of the baby in about 3 weeks, so I will of course post when we find out.
Everyone's been asking how I have been feeling, and feeling pretty typical I think. I have been sick off and on in the mornings, tired and spacey. I have been trying to keep some what of an exercise routine, but my big thing is I am constantly hungry! I am enjoying the experience so far, and the best part has been to hear the baby's heart beat a couple of weeks ago.


Wright said...

YAY! We are so excited for you guys! Wow - that is going to be one gorgeous baby!!!

Whitney said...

Congrats!!! Before you know it you'll only have 4 weeks left. Enjoy your pregnancy I hope you stay feeling well!

L said...

congratulations! i'm so happy for y'all. you're going to be a great mom.

Uffens Family said...

Congrats! What exciting news and such a fun way to tell your families...can't wait to find out if little Rose is a boy or girl:) many great things to look forward to.

MEG said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I know it can be a lot of ups and downs getting pregnant. I'm so happy for you two!

Emily Sue said...

We are so happy for you guys. You are going to be awesome parents. Kids love you. Enjoy being pregnant, I absolutely love being pregnant, even though most people don't!

Emily Sue said...

We are so happy for you guys. You are going to be awesome parents. Kids love you. Enjoy being pregnant, I absolutely love being pregnant, even though most people don't!

Reimstar said...

Ohh yay! That is soo great! Congratulations! The onesies idea is adorable! As for the sex of the baby, I don't know if you've ever heard of the pencil test, but everyone I've ever done it on, it has totally worked! You just take a regular pencil (not mechanical), and thread a needle then poke the needle straight into the eraser. Hold the string so the pencil is hanging like an inch above your right wrist. Try to hold it really still, and the pencil will naturallly start spinning. Then it will start swinging. If it swings up and down your wrist (hand to elbow) then it means you're having a boy, if it goes side to side (like a watch) then you're having a girl! Then it will spin again and tell you what your next baby will be and on and on. Then after your last baby, it will literally STOP moving! I'm telling you it sounds crazy, but it totally works!!! I've even done it on myself, and apparently I'm gonna have 6 kids BGBBBG! Anyway, that was really long, but in conclusion, I'm really excited for you!

Lindsey said...

Oh my goodness!! Congrats! That is so exciting. It goes by really fast! I only have 10 weeks left. I feel like I just found out that I was pregnant. I am very happy for yall!

Alyse said...

Congratulations! I'm so excited for you! Good luck with everything!

tothe4thfloor said...

Congratulations Kels!! We will both be having babies just a week apart! I'm glad you are feeling well!

Chris Jess Hannah said...

ya i am so happy for you!

Leah Armstrong said...

It's about time!!! LOL I am way excited and I want to be kept up on all the details!! Good Luck, it is AMAZING!!

Stephanie said...

Yay Kelsi!!! I'm so happy for you. Good luck!!