Sunday, November 2, 2008

Devilicious Halloween

Isn't she adorable!? (Our friend's little girl, Azure)
Check out Levi's costume, he sewed himself! So proud! (He's a deviled egg if you didn't get it)
Our friend Nick, dressed as a geisha, he was hilarious!
Tao, Tuyet and me
Sammi was so over the trick-or-treaters by the end, she was exhausted.
Our little devil dog


Nate and Nicole said...

Deviled egg... very creative, Levi! I love it. :)

Anonymous said...

hahahaahaha!!!!!!!! levi is hilarious!
yall look so cute! i wish i could be there...gah!!! i miss you.

Anonymous said...

I found your blog off Jessica Williams blog (I know her from Colorado).

These are great costumes!!!!!