Friday, August 15, 2008

Philippines 2008

The following posts are from Levi's trip with Vaccines for the Philippines. I'm sad I didn't get to go, but I'm glad they had a good time. This is the 5th year for the organization to go over. They had over 30 volunteers and built houses and had medical clinics. The Filipino people were very humbled by their service and I'm sure can't wait for the organization to return next year....enjoy!


Reimstar said...

Those are some great pictures! Love them all! Jealous!

Stephanie said...

Crazy! That little boy was so sad! I can't believe they wait until they are eight. How traumatizing.

Erin Ann said...

Those are awesome pics! Thanks for sharing :) The trans gal looked very excited to be in a picture with you, Levi. Did you get her digits?