Thursday, April 24, 2008

San Fran Reunion

All the gang (minus Scott, Meliss & Chris) in front of the "Full House" house

Love love love the poppies
It was sooo dang windy!

Us on the trolly car (or as Nate educated us, the cable car)
Our friends, Nate, Nicole and little Will
Cute boys!
In front of Alcatraz

This past weekend we got together with our college friends in San Francisco. Thank you to Mike & Anne for being such great hosts! Wish we all lived close!


Nate and Nicole said...

Nice :)! Hating the close up of me, but that's okay. I like Nate's face in the picture in front of Ghiradelli. That was so much fun. Hopefully we'll see you guys soon!

Nadine said...

looks like fun. i love san fran. did you guys hit up that little donut stand that has thee best miniature donuts ever?

Stephanie said...

Fun, Kelsie! It makes me miss home :(