Thursday, April 3, 2008

Cottage Cheese Please

So I was visiting one of my least favorite customers yesterday, a family business of which the father had passed away a couple of months ago. I offered my condolences to the son and he said, "He's right here," and pointed to a Viva! Fat Free Cottage Cheese tupperware. His ashes were in the used food container!!!! Can we say...awkward! And not to mention WEIRD! Apparently they haven't gotten around to purchasing a formal urn. Until least he's fat free!


ambercarlson said...

What?? Are you kidding me?? I would have been dying trying to hold back the numerous expressions... Wow!!

We miss you guys! Come over! A

Erin Ann said...

This is still my favorite story, Kels. It just cracks me up trying to imagine how your face looked. I'm sure you pulled it off well, but I can only imagine :)