Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Car

As most of you saw, my white 02 Camry got totalled right after Thanksgiving. Well I finally found the next car of my dreams....drum roll....a white 08 Camry....original I know. Levi thinks I'm a total dork for getting the same exact car, only 6 years newer. But you know what, I loved my old I replaced it with almost the exact same thing...just newer! It is cool though, I have blue tooth now, that's been really nice to have for work and to play around with.


Leah Armstrong said...

yes I sgree Levi, complete dork! But hey, if you love it you love it! I always said I would always drive a Pacifica...but traded it in, not for a Pacifica.

Nadine said...

that's nice to have a newer version of the car you loved so much. kinda makes me want a new car. i drive a 2000 honda civic...and i love it. best part is its paid off so i think we'll keep it forever.

Nadine said...

that's nice to have a newer version of the car you loved so much. kinda makes me want a new car. i drive a 2000 honda civic...and i love it. best part is its paid off so i think we'll keep it forever.

tothe4thfloor said...

I am the same way with my white camry! Even though it is an 05 camry I love it!

The Reichmans said...

Wow I love those cars-they are so nice! I loved the picture of you in your browns-you look super sexy!

Unknown said...

Hey guys! I saw your blog address on your christmas card at my parents so I thought I would say hello. It is good to see you are doing well. We missed you at Katie's homecoming party! Our blog address is if you want to see how cute Davis is getting! Hope to see you soon!

ambercarlson said...

Lucky Duck! We miss you guys! Where have you been hiding out? A

Kimi said...

Hi Levi and Kelsie- we got your site from the Jenkins. We wanted to say hello and see how Colorado was. Sorry 'bout your car, glad you weren't hurt. Our family blog is so you can add us to your list if ya want. Take care.