Sunday, September 30, 2007

Time to say goodbye Mr. Green Thumb

So for those of you who do not know, Levi has taken a particular liking to flowers. And since we don't have kids to blog about, I can blog about Levi's little babies...his flowers. He took very special care of them all summer, watered them 3 times a day, gave them "steroids" (aka Miracle Grow) on a regular basis, as well as pulled them down when it was windy. He was particularly offended when worms would get in his flowers and start to eat the blooms. So we were constantly buying bug killer. One brand he bought, totally started killing his flowers, so he made sure to call the 800 # on the back to let them know the spray had killed his flowers and he wanted his money back. Sure enough, they sent us $10, which was twice more than what we actually paid.
So the day came yesterday when I was in the mood to decorate for fall. We went to the pumpkin farm while the wind was blowing like crazy, picked out several pumpkins, a bail of hay and some corn stocks. After we got home, he decided it was time to say goodbye to the flowers since they would assuredly clash with the new fall set up. Poor guy was sad to see his beloved babies go to their red metal grave...the dumpster.


anne said...

Cute new decorations. I want to put up the packer's stuff, but some of it scares me... Levi, mike wants to know if you're watching the Rockies' game? We're hoping they win. Talk to you guys soon, a&m

Nate and Nicole said...

Finally a new post! I was sick of looking at Levi's nasty leg :). I'm glad he's feeling better (physically) even if he's sad about the loss of his plants!

Have fun in DC this weekend. I'm jealous Nate will get to hang out with you guys and I won't! Take pictures so you can fill me in on everything when you get back.
