Saturday, May 12, 2012

steamboat springs.

First road trip for Miss Q. I will say she was darn near perfect. The Pike's invited us up to enjoy Kristin's boss's time share. We jumped at the opportunity. I always feel so guilty that we live in this great state and never take advantage of what's in our own backyard. We definitely need to partake more often! Although Daddy couldn't join, we had so much fun!

The natural hot springs.


Brecken the bathing beauty.
Little hike to Fish Creek Falls {perfect for the kiddos}

Cute Jace. He is ALL boy, that kid.


Pike family outtake. Oh, and Brecken. I couldn't get her to get out of the picture.



And...a time-out on the rock. The bridge was just a little nerve racking with how big the falls were and the roaring waters below and gosh dangit, she did NOT want to hold my hand. Well, not an option.

Again, cute Pike family, with a cute little creeper (still in time-out) in the background :)

Me and Quinn, since I couldn't get Brecken to hold my hand and take a picture.

And this is her mad at me. Typical Brecken right there.

Oh, and what do you know. Pike family again, +1.

Precious Quinny snuggled in my favie baby carrier courtesy of one of my customer's. Boba.

And our peaceful trip out. Or at least half of it. Jace woke up about half way and decided he was done with the "Brecken's car."


L said...

I love Brecken's "mad" pic. Totally made me laugh. Also, how long can you wear a baby in a Boba? We got a baby bjorn and it's so uncomfortable for me. But Wes is 19 lbs now, so he may be uncomfortable for me to wear in any baby carrier now.