Saturday, February 4, 2012

and then there were 4.

I can't believe it's already over. It went by so fast...and now I'm sad. Be careful what you wish for, right? :) I really can't believe how much Quinn looks like Brecken as a baby, it's really weird! It was nice to only be in the hospital for about 24 hours and Brecken's first day adjusting has gone pretty well, hope it stays that way. We are so grateful to have everyone home and healthy, we are so blessed.

And of course the birth story:

As stated in previous post, I was definitely nervous about the scheduled induction. It was just different that my last experience, and was just weird. Was weird driving calmly to the hospital, it was weird walking in in no pain, and it was weird getting into the bed all calm while the nurses gathered some info. But I seriously would do it the same all over again with how good and quick of an experience I had. I feel so lucky! Again.

My mom flew in around 7am, we left for the hospital at 9:30 for a 10am check in. I got pitocin around 11am and was at a 2, the doctor came in around noon to break my water (had progressed to a 3) and she said she would be back after office hours to check on me and said that people usually progress around a cm an hour. I jokingly said, "I plan on seeing you before then." Levi left to go get food with his mom while my mom stayed with me. Contractions started fairly quickly after that and the nurse told me I could get an epidural now, or wait a couple of hours because the anesthesiologist would be in for a c-section with twins. I definitely opted for the first option. Now is great! I got the epidural at 1:30 and was just finishing up when Levi got back. He was not sad to see I had gotten that done already. Everyone settled in to watch The Help figuring it would be a long, boring afternoon. Well, 30 minutes in, I decided I thought I was getting really close. The nurse came into check and sure enough, she felt baby's head and called for the doctor and everyone to get ready. Literally about 5 minutes later I pushed about 1.5 times (I only had to push 3 times with Brecken) and she was out and was a perfect, healthy 7lb, 13 oz baby girl.

In the meantime, a huge snow storm was being predicted to bring 12-18 inches of snow. I was so worried Brecken wouldn't be able to come to the hospital to meet the new baby. It was so important to me that she be able to come to the hospital to see the baby and so the baby could give her a present of a baby doll, crib and rocking horse set (that she loves). But the snow held off, thankfully! We had a few visitors while my epidural was wearing off, but finally decided I REALLY had to go to the bathroom. Everyone went out in the hall while the nurse and Levi helped me to the bathroom. I felt totally fine until I went to stand up and got really dizzy. The nurse immediately told me to sit down and put my head between my legs. I just kept feeling more woozy, but said that I'd never fainted, so that was on our side. Well shortly after, apparently I DID faint and other nurses rushed in to help. After I came to, I swore I was "there" the whole time until Levi asked if I had felt the nurse slapping me in the face to wake up. I guess I really did faint, ha. Definitely a strange sensation.

We then got moved to recovery and left about 24 hours later and now just so glad to be home!


The Bergesons said...

Congrats Levi & Kels! Quinn is beautiful and Kels you look fantastic:)

JRKimball said...

Congrats! so glad everything went so smooth.

Cindy said...

Congratulations! She's a cutie. It's always nice to get a cute baby with an easy delivery.

Bonnie said...

Yay!! she's so beautiful! so happy for all of you!

Anonymous said...

Levi and Kels, are you sure that Quinn is just Brecken's twin sister, just 2 1/2 years later? They are beautiful sisters, just beautiful. Congratulations to you both!! Love to all, Linda Smith